
Holistic Health Duo

Original price was: $88.00.Current price is: $73.50.

For more information about JIPANG Ginger OPTIMAL https://makiselifeup.com/product/jipang-ginger/

For more information about JIPANG Ginger HIBAMATA https://makiselifeup.com/product/jipanggingerhibamatasupplement/

Japanese doctor's supplement

Dr.Tadahiro Makise

We deliver products that you can continue to use with peace of mind.

For three decades, our distinguished director, Dr. Makise, has traversed over 85 countries, passionately studying natural substances to bolster health. This journey culminated in the establishment of a clinic in Osaka, Japan. Here, Dr. Makise integrates his unique supplements with his extensive expertise, effectively treating numerous patients contending with intricate health challenges, both domestically and globally. From the forefront of medical innovation, we present products of unparalleled reliability, endorsed by countless users. We are dedicated to consistently delivering supplements that form a dependable cornerstone of your health regimen, safeguarding your well-being today and tomorrow.